Kamis, April 02, 2020

Body Shaming and How's Sandra deals with it!

Source: weheartit.com

For my fucking whole life, I have been living almost 21 years old----
I never feel so bad about myself. I just deeply in love of how I lived my life and blessed for the cycles and received day by day gift from God. Thanks God ftw! Until someone break my confidence.
My very first post of this 2020 is going to discuss how I dealt with “Body Shaming and How It Impact my mental health”.

I never feel “I am too fat” or “Ih gue gendutan banget”. Even if I said so, I will pass the day just as usual, I will eat all the foods I likes. Drinks coffee, boba and all the sweet things!
I went to a meeting in Hotel (almost every week) and definitely ate all the foods they prepared cause HELLLL! It tasted so damn good and who’d like to ignore them? I’d never limit myself and yes I gained almost 7kgs this 2019, in 6 months; August to December.

That 7kgs were actually fine----until I heard someone did a body-shaming to myself and I heard it directly. Was I feel sad? Was I feel broken. Yes.

Hey, people love to tell a jokes. But, what I’ve heard was not a joke at all. It was a serious-self humiliating things ever. I was fine when people said that “kamu kucel” or “kamu sih item, ga ada yang mau” but after that we were laughing, and I was fine. It was just a joke backthen. I am definitely not throwing a hate in a person who said so, gapapa. We were friends, I’ve forgiven you. but what I am trying to say and tell is----Body Shaming is not cool at all.

Here’s my story!

Sebagai seorang Sandra, orang-orang tau gue sangat tidak peduli dengan hal-hal terkait fisik. I didn’t care at all. Gue sangat-sangat bodo amat dan you can say anything to me! But one fine day, gue pernah sesedih itu karena ternyata rasanya di-body-shaming-in itu nggak enak.

Pople just won’t believe kalau gue membawa ‘hal’ itu sampai ke hati. Sampai gue kepikiran, yes. People may say “Hah seorang Sandra digituin doang, sedih or nangis?” oh ternyata begini rasanya di body-shaming-in.

I won’t tell you any detail hanya secara general:
I was compared with someone whom body was skinnier than me. Sering banget gue becanda badan gue gak selangsing dulu sama temen-temen----tapi menjadi manusia yang membandingkan secara gamblang hingga ke hal-hal detail yang gak perlu itu bener-bener jahat. Jangan hanya karena kamu ndak suka sama seseorang, kamu sampai cari cara untuk jatuhin orang tersebut. Compared A with B, ya jelas berbeda. Dalam segala hal, jelas-jelas beda.

What I am trying to say is, gue juga pernah merasakan sakit hati ketika ada orang yang body-shaming-in gue kelewat batas. Selama dua puluh satu tahun gue hidup, gue gak pernah sama sekali tidak merasa bersyukur but that day… gue marah, gue kesel! Gue cuma bisa diem di pantry mikir dan kepikiran. Apa yang gue lakukan, gue nguat-nguatin diri gue bahwa “Hey, you are beautiful. You are worth more than what she said”. Oh ternyata gini ya rasanya di body-shaming-in. Gini ya rasanya temen-temen gue cerita kalo mereka di body-shaming-in dan gue response biasa aja.

Setelah itu, why should I feel sad and feel sorry about myself? Bukannya yang seharusnya malu adalah dia yang coba buat body-shaming-in kita karena nggak ada topik lain untuk diperbincangkan?
Apa salahnya jadi diri sendiri and feel so happy about our body? Nggak ada.
Nggak ada salahnya jadi diri kamu dan selalu bersyukur atas hal-hal yang kamu miliki. Dari saat itu, gue sadar just don't ever give them space.
Jangan kasih ruang negatif buat diri kamu yang udah positif!

Dimanapun kamu, bagaimanapun physical looks kamu saat ini what really matters is your inner beauty about how you value others. Kalau kamu bisa menghargai orang lain, kamu bisa menghargai diri kamu sendiri. Don’t forget to stay blessed!

Guys, I am so sorry and I do apalogize---kalau gue pernah keterlaluan becanda tentang fisik atau pernah membuat kalian sakit hati. Gue minta maaf. Sejak saat itu, gue gak mau jadi orang jahat yang terus-terusan hidup dengan menjatuhkan mental orang lain. I feel so bad for those who keep doing so. Rasanya ada diposisi yang dijatuhkan sangat-sangat nggak enak dan menjatuhkan orang lain will not make you SUPERIOR.

Bunch of friends told me about how they feel so insecure about their body, oh and that day I feel insecure too. Just because I liked someone doesn’t mean you have to compare myself with others. Emang ada yang salah dengan suka seseorang sampai kamu juga ikutan nggak suka? Nggak.

So, just keep being you. Jadi kamu sebenar-benarnya kamu. No need to humiliated others. Jadi wanita yang sepenuhnya bisa menghargai wanita lain. Jangan dengerin orang-orang who said a perfect girl must have a skinny body, thight gap, long hair not either white skin. Jadi versi terbaik kamu dan jangan pernah bandingin diri kamu dengan orang lain. You are beautiful on your own way!

Hey guys, if you'd like to share your stories! Go comment bellow ya! I will hear yours.

A Letter to you,

Here’s a Thursday boost for all the girls who feel insecure about their looks,
bodies or appearances.

Here’s a boost of confidence for all the girls who never feel good enough for themselves.

Here’s the boost for everygirl who like someone but never have a courage to say ‘I like you’ or ‘I admire you’ because you don’t feel good enough of your looks.

Hey you are the most beautiful human being ever. You are worth everything in this world. You gotta be strong and never feel bad about being ‘true’ to yourself.

You deserve someone who loves you at your best and your flaws.

Sending you a virtual hug!

Xoxo, Sandra.

1 komentar:

Bertumbuh, sebuah proses.

Hiruk pikuk dan apa yang terjadi saat ini, dibanyak sela kehidupan; mengharuskan saya berpikir secara logis dan rasional. Saya merasa bahwa ...