Sabtu, Januari 22, 2022

One Season: She Finds Her Aster.

Passing the days, weeks, and all nights shifted; fast, blurry, and flash. How one season transforms from a blooming happiest person to an ordinary one. The times shifted in a flash, 6 months was the number of times the mixed feelings turned the logic ups and down. Swirling like the number of winds hits the clouds. It was running through the flows of the winds. She follows the winds, what she was thinking the right decisions. 

One season, she was blooming. She finds an Aster, it was covered in Lilac and Lavender color. It bloomed in one season. She said she was the luckiest person on earth. She gazes that surrounds was the best gift. She forgot. It only bloomed in one season.

She didn't realize what she has been through becoming what makes her grow through. She finds someone who used to talk to her yesterday and almost every day. She finds some fit in her personality and makes her laugh and smile even more. She thinks the world is the best place to live but she forgets about heaven. Neither hell. She thinks she finds her most precious one, it is only from her perspective.

She grows, she passes day and night rapidly. Not in a second but in a click. She thinks the times are twice faster than what she's ever imagined. She thinks the season will last forever but the truth, it is not. 

She lies down in the field of Aster, she finds her most beautiful one. She looks at it every day. She takes care of it, her heart beats fast. She touches it gently, she falling in love with the aster. She never smiles that often as like she is with him. She called "He is my Aster". She always says "Aster is enough, thousand times enough."

She shares joyfulness and her beatitude with her surroundings. She knows she is living with the one who radiates good energy.  Then she writes a letter:

Dear Aster,
It was nice to find you in the middle of nowhere, in the longest road I'd never have time to rest. It was nice to find you in the dark. It doesnt make sense if I promise you something, but I only said this to the things that I love, to people I find precious; 
Stay alive, in your hardest and even your own gale. Stay in your track, even the world doesn't rotate as you wish. Stay with the right sphere, the surroundings that appreciate and bring goodness in you. 
I am happy you've been growing this whole time. But promise me, don't just die. Promise me you will do the best to always be better. I appreciate you as a person, a friend, a lover. Do not let me regret that I have choosen you as a flower that will bloom in the day and night. 
Just. Stay. Alive.

At least, she ever finds what she is looking for in the haystack. Before she decides to grow the Aster, she fills herself with uncertainty. She's now happier and the happiest person alive. In the end, she learns that Aster only bloomed in one season.

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